February 2019
LifeSiteNews By Katy Faust | February 5, 2019 Between its extreme abortion bill and the governor’s racist photos, the state of Virginia has been headlining the news. But in the midst of the media frenzy, proposed changes to its parenthood laws were approved in the Virginia House today. Before my tweetstorm about it last night, #HB1979 had only a handful of tags. But it deserves serious attention because it turns children into products, all in the name of “progress.”" /> LifeSiteNews By Katy Faust | February 5, 2019 Between its extreme abortion bill and the governor’s racist photos, the state of Virginia has been headlining the news. But in the midst of the media frenzy, proposed changes to its parenthood laws were approved in the Virginia House today. Before my tweetstorm about it last night, #HB1979 had only a handful of tags. But it deserves serious attention because it turns children into products, all in the name of “progress.”" /> LifeSiteNews By Katy Faust | February 5, 2019 Between its extreme abortion bill and the governor’s racist photos, the state of Virginia has been headlining the news. But in the midst of the media frenzy, proposed changes to its parenthood laws were approved in the Virginia House today. Before my tweetstorm about it last night, #HB1979 had only a handful of tags. But it deserves serious attention because it turns children into products, all in the name of “progress.”">