Life Advocacy Briefing
October 23, 2017
Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Filed in Senate
Poof? / Policy Lurch / Carhart in Trouble Again
Life – & Critical Policy – In the Balance / Life Is a Winning Issue
Senate Co-Sponsors of Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Bill
House Voting Record
Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Filed in Senate
SEN. LINDSEY GRAHAM (R-SC) HAS FILED THE SENATE VERSION of the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, an exact copy of HR-36, which passed the House on Oct. 3.
S-1922 is being co-sponsored by 46 Senators and has been referred to the Senate Committee on the Judiciary, which is chaired by Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA). We have published the list of co-sponsors near the close of this Life Advocacy Briefing.
Members of the Judiciary Committee, in addition to Mr. Grassley, are GOP Senators Jeff Flake (AZ), Mike Crapo (ID), John Kennedy (LA), Ben Sasse (NE), Thom Tillis (NC), Lindsey Graham (SC), John Cornyn & Ted Cruz (TX), Orrin Hatch & Mike Lee (UT). Also, Ranking Democratic Member Dianne Feinstein (CA) is joined on the panel by Democratic Senators Richard Blumenthal (CT), Christopher Coons (DE), Mazie Hirono (HI), Richard Durbin (IL), Al Franken & Amy Klobuchar (MN), Sheldon Whitehouse (RI) and Patrick Leahy (VT).
Readers are asked to call home-state Senators – especially now those serving on the Judiciary Committee – and ask for a “yes” vote on S-1922, the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, to protect the lives of developing human babies who have passed the fifth month of their gestation. They may be reached via the Capitol switchboard at 1-202/224-3121.
THE LATEST HERALDED OBAMACARE DEAL cut by Senators Lamar Alexander (R-TN) and Patty Murray (D-WA), looks dead on arrival, thanks to off-handed rejection by Pres. Donald Trump.
The President’s off-the-cuff remark, rejecting Alexander/Murray because of its subsidies for insurance companies last week, should spur what was already developing GOP antipathy to the deal on Capitol Hill.
Though his comment was not specific – beyond his swipe at insurance company subsidies – his rejection did come shortly after Breitbart News published a commentary citing an analysis by The Federalist, in which Breitbart correspondent Dr. Susan Berry uncovered the abortion subsidy within the proposal.
Dr. Berry quotes Christopher Jacobs, CEO of Juniper Research Group, from his warning in The Federalist, that the Murray/Alexander proposal “‘represent[s] the second-largest expansion of federal abortion funding, behind only ObamaCare itself.’”
We are not surprised. Indeed, we would have been shocked if anything Sen. Patty Murray (D-WA) helped craft would do anything but help build the abortion cartel. Her career-long, publicly exposed abortion advocacy ought to have served as a warning to Sen. Alexander.
So, it appears Capitol Hill policymakers will need to go back to the drawing board to develop a proposal which effectively repeals ObamaCare. The Alexander/Murray bid would instead have extended the collapsing house of cards by at least two years. Good riddance!
Policy Lurch
A SWEET NUGGET OF TRUTH appears in the draft released earlier this month by the Dept. of Health & Human Services of the HHS “strategic plan” for 2018-2022, reports Nancy Flanders for
“With the addition of a few small words,” writes Ms. Flanders, “it’s clear that there is a major change. Formerly,” she notes, “the document stated the following in its introductory information: ‘HHS accomplishes its mission through programs and initiatives that cover a wide spectrum of activities, serving Americans at every stage of life.’
“The new edition,” writes Ms. Flanders, “now states this: ‘HHS accomplishes its mission through programs and initiatives that cover a wide spectrum of activities, serving and protecting Americans at every stage of life, beginning at conception.’
“The change might be five little words, but its meaning is deep,” notes LiveAction. “It signifies that … the US Dept. of Health & Human Services knows and accepts the truth, that life begins at conception (fertilization).” And verbiage in the succeeding delineation of strategic goals echoes and reflects the change.
We join LiveAction in applauding this deliberate lurch toward truth at the nation’s largest social-policy bureaucracy. And we pray the actions flowing from HHS will faithfully reflect this dramatic change in expressed strategic policy.
Carhart in Trouble Again
A PRO-LIFE PROTEST in front of notorious abortionist LeRoy Carhart’s newly acquired late-term abortuary in Bethesda, Maryland, appears to have contributed to cancellation of all abortions scheduled for opening day last Tuesday, reports Claire Chretien for
Operation Rescue (O.R.) has “filed complaints,” writes Ms. Chretien, “against [Mr.] Carhart’s new business, which is operating under the name, Inc.” The complaints point in part to the fact that Mr. Carhart is advertising late-term abortions at the Bethesda location, despite the fact, notes Ms. Chretien, that he “is not licensed to commit them at this location.
“‘We have successfully prevented Carhart from opening his illegal abortion facility in Bethesda today as planned,’” said OR president Troy Newman in the LifeSiteNews report, “‘but we have only won the first round of what we expect will be a tough fight to protect babies and their mothers from Carhart’s shoddy abortion practices.’” Mr. Newman added a prayer that “‘this facility is never allowed to open.’ …
“‘There is no doubt,’” he said, “‘that Carhart believes he can break the law without consequences. This time, he tried to pull a fast one and got caught,’ said [Mr.] Newman,” quoted by Ms. Chretien. “‘We call on the Dept. of Health to permanently shut down his illegal abortion business. His attempt to conduct late-term abortions illegally is so egregious that we urge the Medical Board to revoke Carhart’s Maryland medical license permanently.’” That would be refreshing!
Life – & Critical Policy – In the Balance
Oct. 18, 2017, Washington Update commentary by Family Research Council president Tony Perkins
America’s refugee program is supposed to save lives – not endanger them. But that won’t be the case if ACLU and Planned Parenthood get their way. In a new court case, they’re teaming up to make the US a dangerous place for unborn immigrants.
It’s a policy that started with Barack Obama, who apparently thinks the Statue of Liberty says, “Give me your tired, your poor, your yearning for abortion.” Like the rest of the radical Left, Cecile Richards misses the good old days of that Administration, when taxpayer-funded abortions were as common as expired visas. That all changed under Pres. Trump, who – like most Americans – doesn’t think “abortion” is part of the care our nation is called to provide. Liberals, of course, are hoping the courts will disagree now that a 17-year-old in a Texas resettlement center has permission from a judge to abort her unborn baby. Not so fast, said the Trump Administration, whose officials stepped in to stop the procedure after they learned the girl was a minor in the care of an HHS-sponsored Catholic charity.
“There is no constitutional right for a pregnant minor to illegally cross the US border and get an elective abortion while in federal custody,” an HHS official argued this week. “Federal law is very clear on giving the director of the Office of Refugee Resettlement [ORR] the legal responsibility to decide what is in the best interests of a minor in the unaccompanied alien children program and, in this case, her unborn baby. We cannot cede our responsibility to care for minors and their babies by releasing them to ideological advocacy groups.” In the meantime, the spokesman said, “The ORR is providing excellent care to this young woman and her unborn child and fulfilling our duty to the American people.”
Part of that duty is ensuring that our tax dollars don’t fund the taking of innocent human life. After all, this mother’s case is under the care of HHS’s ORR, which means that every cent flows through the pro-life Hyde Amendment. When the head of ORR, Scott Lloyd, heard about the teenager’s request, he threw his support behind the Catholic charity that took her to a pregnancy care center. “Grantees should not be supporting abortion services pre- or post-release; only pregnancy services and life-affirming options counseling,” he reiterated. Anything less would not only violate taxpayers’ trust, but the conscience of the faith-based group caring for her.
In an amicus brief in defense of the Trump Administration, Texas Atty. General Ken Paxton points out, “No federal court has ever declared that unlawfully present aliens with no substantial ties to this country have a constitutional right to abortion on demand. If Doe prevails in this case, the ruling will create a right to an abortion for anyone on earth who enters the US illegally. And with that right, countless others undoubtedly would follow. Texas must not become a sanctuary state for abortions.”
Let’s not forget, this is a minor in the custody of the federal government. Beyond the problems of paying for her abortion, bureaucrats would be making decision [sic] for a teenager with significant ramifications – both emotionally and physically. The Trump Administration is absolutely doing the right thing – for America and this girl – by protecting her from the predators at Planned Parenthood, who look at this young child, not as a mother but as a business opportunity.
“Everyone deserves access to basic health care regardless of their age, income or immigration status,” Cecile Richards told reporters. Since when does “basic health care” include taking the life of an innocent child? People from around the world still flock to America, some even breaking the law to do so, to escape oppression and mistreatment. Like millions of immigrants before them, they’re desperately seeking freedom and opportunity – two things abortion robs of every single victim. Fifty-nine million children into the gruesome legacy of Roe, Pres. Trump should be applauded for giving these unborn refugees sanctuary in their mothers’ womb.
Life Is a Winning Issue
Oct. 17, 2017, Washington Update commentary by Family Research Council president Tony Perkins
Donald Trump isn’t just doing what conservatives want. On matters of Life, he’s doing what Americans want. According to a new national poll just released by our friends at [Susan B. Anthony] SBA List, a majority of voters back two of the President’s major policy initiatives. While the White House works to roll back the oppressive HHS mandate, he’ll have the backing of 51% of the country.
Less than two weeks ago, the President’s team set to work on one of the country’s biggest complaints about the last administration: Barack Obama’s order that strong-armed Americans into surrendering their beliefs. Under two new rules from Donald Trump’s HHS, pro-lifers will no longer have to choose between violating their conscience and being fired for their faith. It was a major victory for groups like the Little Sisters of the Poor, who became the face of the Left’s war on religious liberty. If the move was unpopular, you wouldn’t know it from McLaughlin & Assoc. In their survey, only 36% of Americans opposed the President’s decision.
Even more popular, experts point out, is the Republicans’ Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, which bans abortion at the five-month mark, when children start feeling the torture of their abortion. A whopping 62% are behind the bill that’s before the Senate. Amazingly, only 25% disagree with the legislation, which Pres. Trump has vowed to sign the moment it hits his desk.
SBA President Marjorie Dannenfelser understands that the momentum for the Pain-Capable bill is only growing. “Voters overwhelmingly want to get the United States out of the disgraceful club of only seven nations that allow elective abortion after five months of pregnancy,” she said. “They recognize that abortion is not health care and that freedom of conscience is a foundational American value. Candidates running for office in 2018, especially vulnerable Democrat Senators in states won by Pres. Trump, should take note: This is what a winning agenda looks like. Going against the will of the majority of voters who eagerly want pro-life reforms is politically perilous.”
Senate Co-Sponsors of Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Bill
With chief sponsor Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC), GOP Senators Richard Shelby & Luther Strange/AL, Jeff Flake & John McCain/AZ, Dan Sullivan/AK, John Boozman & Tom Cotton/AR, Marco Rubio/FL, Johnny Isakson & David Perdue/GA, Mike Crapo & James Risch/ID, Todd Young/IN, Joni Ernst & Chuck Grassley/IA, Jerry Moran & Pat Roberts/KS, Mitch McConnell & Rand Paul/KY, Bill Cassidy & John Kennedy/LA, Thad Cochran & Roger Wicker/MS, Roy Blunt/MO, Steve Daines/MT, Deb Fischer & Ben Sasse/NE, Dean Heller/NV, Richard Burr & Thom Tillis/NC, John Hoeven/ND, Rob Portman/OH, James Inhofe & James Lankford/OK, Pat Toomey/PA, Tim Scott/SC, Mike Rounds & John Thune/SD, Bob Corker/TN, John Cornyn & Ted Cruz/TX, Orrin Hatch & Mike Lee/UT, Ron Johnson/WI, John Barrasso & Michael Enzi/WY. No Democratic Senators have co-sponsored yet.
House Voting Record
HRes-548 – Rule for consideration of Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act – Oct. 3, 2017 – Procedural Motion to advance bill – Passed – 233-187 (Democrats in italics)
Voting “yes” / pro-Life: Aderholt, Brooks, Byrne, Palmer, Roby, Rogers/AL; Young/AK; Biggs, Franks, Gosar, McSally, Schweikert/AZ; Crawford, Hill, Westerman, Womack/AR; Calvert, Cook, Denham, Hunter, Issa, Knight, LaMalfa, McCarthy, McClintock, Nunes, Rohrabacher, Royce, Valadao, Walters/CA; Buck, Coffman, Lamborn, Tipton/CO; Bilirakis, Buchanan, Curbelo, DeSantis, Diaz-Balart, Dunn, Gaetz, Mast, Posey, F.Rooney, T.Rooney, Ros-Lehtinen, Ross, Rutherford, Webster, Yoho/FL; Allen, Carter, Collins, Ferguson, Graves, Handel, Hice, A.Scott, Woodall/GA; Labrador, Simpson/ID; Bost, R.Davis, Hultgren, Kinzinger, LaHood, Lipinski, Roskam, Shimkus/IL; Banks, Brooks, Bucshon, Hollingsworth, Messer, Rokita, Walorski/IN; Blum, King, Young/IA; Estes, Jenkins, Marshall, Yoder/KS; Barr, Comer, Guthrie, Massie, Rogers/KY; Abraham, Graves, Higgins, Johnson, Scalise/LA; Poliquin/ME; Harris/MD; Amash, Bergman, Bishop, Huizenga, Mitchell, Moolenaar, Trott, Upton, Walberg/MI; Emmer, Lewis, Paulsen/MN; Harper, Kelly, Palazzo/MS; Graves, Hartzler, Luetkemeyer, Smith, Wagner/MO; Gianforte/MT; Bacon, Fortenberry, Smith/NE; Amodei/NV; Frelinghuysen, Lance, LoBiondo, MacArthur, Smith/NJ; Pearce/NM; Collins, Donovan, Faso, Katko, King, Reed, Stefanik, Tenney, Zeldin/NY; Budd, Foxx, Holding, Hudson, Jones, McHenry, Meadows, Pittenger, Rouzer, Walker/NC; Cramer/ND; Chabot, Davidson, Gibbs, Jordan, Joyce, Latta, Renacci, Stivers, Tiberi, Turner, Wenstrup/OH; Cole, Lucas, Mullin, Russell/OK; Walden/OR; Barletta, Costello, Dent, Fitzpatrick, Kelly, Marino, Meehan, Murphy, Perry, Rothfus, Shuster, Thompson/PA; Duncan, Gowdy, Norman, Rice, Sanford, Wilson/SC; Noem/SD; Black, Blackburn, Duncan, Fleischmann, Kustoff, Roe/TN; Arrington, Babin, Barton, Brady, Burgess, Carter, Conaway, Culberson, Farenthold, Flores, Gohmert, Granger, Hensarling, Hurd, S.Johnson, McCaul, Olson, Poe, Ratcliffe, Sessions, Smith, Thornberry, Weber, Williams/TX; Bishop, Love, Stewart/UT; Brat, Comstock, Garrett, Goodlatte, Griffith, Taylor, Wittman/VA; Herrera-Beutler, McMorris-Rodgers, Newhouse, Reichert/WA; Jenkins, McKinley, Mooney/WV; Duffy, Gallagher, Grothman, Sensenbrenner/WI; Cheney/WY.
Voting “no” / anti-Life: Sewell/AL; Gallego, Grijalva, O’Halleran, Sinema/AZ; Aguilar, Barragan, Bass, Bera, Brownley, Carbajal, Cardenas, Chu, Correa, Costa, Davis, DeSaulnier, Eshoo, Garamendi, Gomez, Huffman, Khanna, Lee, Lieu, Lofgren, Lowenthal, Matsui, McNerney, Napolitano, Panetta, Pelosi, Peters, Roybal-Allard, Ruiz, Sanchez, Schiff, Sherman, Speier, Swalwell, Takano, Thompson, Torres, Vargas, Waters/CA; DeGette, Perlmutter, Polis/CO; Courtney, DeLauro, Esty, Himes, Larson/CT; Blunt-Rochester/DE; Castor, Crist, Demings, Frankel, Hastings, Lawson, Murphy, Soto, Wasserman-Schultz, Wilson/FL; Bishop, Johnson, Lewis, D.Scott/GA; Gabbard, Hanabusa/HI; Bustos, D.Davis, Foster, Gutierrez, Kelly, Krishnamoorthi, Quigley, Rush, Schakowsky, Schneider/IL; Carson, Visclosky/IN; Loebsack/IA; Yarmuth/KY; Richmond/LA; Pingree/ME; Brown, Cummings, Delaney, Hoyer, Raskin, Ruppersberger, Sarbanes/MD; Capuano, Clark, Keating, Kennedy, Lynch, McGovern, Moulton, Neal, Tsongas/MA; Conyers, Dingell, Kildee, Lawrence, Levin/MI; Ellison, McCollum, Nolan, Peterson, Walz/MN; Thompson/MS; Clay, Cleaver/MO; Kuster, Shea-Porter/NH; Gottheimer, Norcross, Pallone, Pascrell, Payne, Sires, Watson-Coleman/NJ; Lujan, Lujan-Grisham/NM; Clarke, Engel, Espaillat, Higgins, Jeffries, Lowey, C.Maloney, S.Maloney, Meeks, Meng, Nadler, Rice, Serrano, Slaughter, Suozzi, Tonko, Velazquez/NY; Adams, Butterfield, Price/NC; Beatty, Fudge, Kaptur, Ryan/OH; Blumenauer, Bonamici, DeFazio, Schrader/OR; Boyle, Brady, Cartwright, Doyle, Evans/PA; Cicilline, Langevin/RI; Clyburn/SC; Cohen, Cooper/TN; Castro, Cuellar, Doggett, Gonzalez, A.Green, G.Green, Jackson-Lee, O’Rourke, Veasey, Vela/TX; Welch/VT; Beyer, Connolly, McEachin, Scott/VA; DelBene, Heck, Jayapal, Kilmer, Larsen, Smith/WA; Kind, Moore, Pocan/WI.
Not Voting: Deutch/FL; Loudermilk/GA; Long/MO; Kihuen, Rosen, Titus/NV; Crowley/NY; Johnson/OH; Bridenstine/OK; Smucker/PA; DesJarlais/TN; E.B.Johnson,Marchant/TX; Ryan/WI.